Sunday, March 29, 2020

March 30, 2020

Hello Quest Families,

Here is our learning grid for this week as well as a screencast with some helpful tips for navigating it.

Please reach out with any questions/concerns you may have.

Friday, March 27, 2020

March 27

Hello Quest Families!

These past two weeks have been like nothing we have ever experienced.  We hope your families are healthy and well.  Governor Scott's message last night was a surprise for us all.   We are very sad that we will not be able to be with our team for the rest of the year.  We are all forging ahead to make the next weeks and months the best for you and your student.

Online learning
What's working?  What's not?  Please fill in the following survey to help us tailor our Quest Learning Grid.

If you were unable to get your Chromebook, and would like it now, it's not too late!  Let us know and we can set up a time for you to pick it up.

Book Groups
Meg Libby and I (Melissa Williams) will be organizing packages of books to be sent to students.  Your student will receive a non-fiction and a fiction book to read.   I am hoping that the physical book will at least have some of the learning off computer!  We will start reading the nonfiction books about natural disasters / underwater exploration / mountain climbing.  Each book will have a separate time to meet online using Google Meet.  I will be sending out instructions for this later next week. Your student will have the option to use video, or just use audio.  The meetings will be on Thursdays.  Keep your eyes open for further instructions!

Video Tutorials and Chat with Teachers
As we forge ahead, we will be creating videos to help your student with their work.  If your student needs further help, feel free to email us.  We can set up a email chain, or a video chat with your student if that works well for you all.

Online Platforms
If you have any questions about online platforms, don't forget to check out our Resource Page!

We will be sending out our next newsletter on Sunday with more information as we receive it.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

March 18

Hello Quest Families,

The Home Learning Plan for Quest students is now available on the Quest Website.  We will continue to work out the kinks of this learning plan as we go along.  Please ask questions as they arise so that we can best help you and your student during this time.

Office Hours:
While we will be working each day for school hours, we will set aside 10 - 12 for specific email / office hours.  We will dedicate that time to answering questions and emails from you and your student.

If you are looking for additional resources to use at home, here is a long list created by the Vermont School Library Association.

Video Conferencing:
We are also available to video conference with students throughout the day.  This can be for questions they have about work or just to say hi.  They can schedule an appointment by emailing Mr. Taylor, or filling out this form  for Mrs. Williams.    Mrs. Williams can work on individual spelling, reading, writing, science, and social studies goals!!  We will do this through Google Hangouts.

Monday, March 16, 2020

March 16

Dear Quest Families,

While these times are filled with uncertainty, we are hoping to provide some structure around what the Quest student experience will look like over the next few weeks.  Our website has been updated and is full of resources and schedules to help you and your student navigate learning while we are apart.  The homepage has a 'Schedule for Home Learning'.  This will guide them through what assignments/activities should be completed each day.  It is expected that students are keeping up with the work assigned in this document.  This document is a work in progress and will be completed by the end of the day tomorrow.

Here is a sample schedule that could be used for structuring your 'home school' days:

9:00 Set the Stage - Look over your assignments for the day.
9:15 Math - Complete the Math lesson for the day.
10:00 Break - Grab a snack and take time to move around inside or outside.
10:30 WSAS - Complete the WSAS assignments for the day.
11:30 Lunch - Have lunch and take time to move around inside or outside.
12:30 Reading - Independent Reading (Record on your table on Google Classroom)
1:00 AA - Complete an AA Activity
1:30 PE/WL - Complete a PE or World Language Activity
2:00 Anchor Activities or Band/Chorus or Break for the day

Student Chromebooks are available for pickup Tuesday if students need them.

Student-led conferences will not be taking place at this time.

This is new territory for Team Quest, so please feel free to send us your feedback and questions.  Thank you all for your support through these challenging times.

Melissa & Curtis

Friday, March 6, 2020

March 5

Student-led Conferences
Sign up here

These conferences are led by students.  They will look different our Fall conferences.  Each conference will last about 30 minutes.  Students will be at the center of the conversation, guiding parents/guardians through an exhibition of their learning.  Students will focus this conference around highlights, successes, and goals.  We find that student-led conferences are a tremendous opportunity for students to be leaders in their education.  If you would like to meet for a traditional parent-teacher conference please email Curtis or Melissa and we can schedule a meeting outside of these conference dates.

Heart & Sole
Please see this link for information about this program.

WSAS Unit and Reading
We are continuing our study of Earth Systems.  Before vacation, we focused on the layers of the Earth and plate tectonics.  What delicious Earths we had!!  Now, we are studying more of the geosphere, the hydrosphere, and some of the atmosphere.  Your student has selected a disaster or phenomenon of one of the spheres to study in more depth.  The topics include: tsunamis, volcanoes, drought and wildfires, hurricanes, tornadoes, mountain building, and deep sea exploration. 

All students will be reading a non-fiction book regarding their phenomenon.  Some students will also be reading a fiction book that has the event in it (that is by choice).  The books are due to come in next Tuesday, and although they should be read at school, several students find it helpful to bring them home.  If your student brings home their book to read, please help them to bring it back to school, as we will be using them in class as well. 

In April, your student will be participating in a project in which they will need to model a phenomenon, and either explain, or create a design solution which reduces the impacts of weather related hazards.  More information will be coming out at that time.

Students had been studying spelling with workbooks and Spelling City.  The enthusiasm for those has waned a bit.... We will be dedicating part of Friday's WSAS to spelling lessons, games, and class bees.  We have greatly improved our capitalization skills, but I'll be sure to throw some grammar into the mix then.  The rest of Friday WSAS is dedicated to free reading and free writing (or making up back work)